State Advocacy Team Summary - Texas

The Texas (TX) state advocacy team was led by chapter leads Melissa Compton, Executive Director of Lone Star Bleeding Disorders Foundation and Shanna Garcia, Director of Development at Texas Central Bleeding Disorders; and HTC lead, Sabrina Farina, senior social worker at Gulf States Hemophilia Treatment Center. The team was also supported by members Julie Jones, Executive Director of Texas Central Bleeding Disorders; Cheri Huddleston, Legislative Consultant at Hance Scarborough, and Mark Hobraczk, Director of Policy and Advocacy at the Hemophilia Federation of America

Summary of Achievements

In their first year, the BD SUMHAC TX team successfully:

  1. Engaged with state officials from the Texas Health and Human Services (HHS)

  2. Identified two state champions (one for SUD and one for MH)

  3. Mapped the regulatory landscape of MH and SUD facilities, with particular attention to policies related to:

    1. Self-administration of infusion and injection medications

    2. Staff assisted administration of infusion and injection medications

    3. External provider assisted administration of infusion and injection medications

    4. Patients’ ability to bring in their prescribed medications from home/outside of the facility (i.e., white and brown bagging)

    5. Patient cherry-picking

  4. Presented and shared more about BD SUMAC’s local advocacy work at the 2024 Texas Bleeding Disorders Conference 

  5. The team’s accomplishments were also highlighted in a BD SUMHAC article that can be found here.

Regulatory Landscape Mapping

Sorted by landscape area. All regulatory Information is as of July 2024

SUD Facility Information

Use of infusion/injection medication

Self-administered infusions/injections

Staff administered infusions/injections

External provider assisted infusions/injections

Policies to prevent cherry-picking

MH Facility Information

Use of infusion/injection medication

Self-administration of infusion/injection medications

Staff-administration of infusion/injection medications

Next Steps for Advocacy

The TX team has determined the following goals for Phase 2:

  1. Provide education for SUD/MH facilities on BDs, infusion and injection medcations, and related topics to support staff development across the state.

  2. Deepen our understanding of the MH regulations and potentially seek to clarify as necessary through HHS statements, updated regulations and/ or statute. 

  3. Provide education and resources for HTCs on steps to take in the event of a patient denial to an inpatient or residential MH/SUD facility.

More State Advocacy Resources

Tools for Advocacy