Justin Nelson-Deering, MHA, CPhT


"I have worked with the bleeding disorders community for over 5 years, as well as many individuals with mental health and substance use disorders. I have a passion for all patients obtaining access to the care that they need and all of their health concerns being addressed."


Justin Nelson-Deering (he/him) is a healthcare professional with 15 years of experience in pharmacy and healthcare operations.  He holds a master’s degree in healthcare administration and bachelor’s degree in allied healthcare management, and is a registered and certified pharmacy technician.

Justin is currently the Director of Ambulatory Services of the Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC), Midwest Children’s Resource Center (MCRC), and the Midwest Regional Child Advocacy Center (MRCAC) at Children’s Minnesota located in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN.  Additionally, he is a board member of the Hemophilia Alliance and of Twin Cities Pride.

Justin’s professional experience and credentials can be found on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-nelson-deering-mha-cpht-82393017/